Made some "urgent I want now" diaper stacker.... ahhaha... Thats wat I call it... instant & unplanned orders.. Hmm.. I know.. I know.. this is cutting queue... but *sigh* its very hard to say no... cos I consider every request is important ... I guess, its best to fix a due date.. but sometime when fixing a date can be frustrating.. when I can't deliver it on time.. I really hope to those who has given me the "take your time" orders... I deeply apologise for the delay.... I'm doing the best I could to make the very... very... very best with my own two hands.. (hmm.. sounds familliar.. who's blog name was that??)
I wish my legs can sew as well.. so that I can work twice faster... hahhaha..
This strawberry diaper stacker... sweet.. simple.. Hope Sindut will like it..
These 3 colors diaper stacker - Blue, Green & Red... for my very loyal blog friend -
Mas all the way from Keningau.. She was on her way to her in-laws (hubby's side) Sipitang. She called me at 9pm saturday... and realised she wanted to order my diaper stacker earlier... but forgot.. So.. my urgent assignment is to get it done by a.m. next day...
*phew* that was fast... I broke my own record! 3 stacker in one night...
Want to order??... whoahhh.... not commerciallised yet ya...! I have to go one at a time..
Please bear with me... Luv ya!!