Where is my finish products?? No updates on my sewing projects yet??
I hope you're not tired of my gadgets yet... Too busy updating my blog with my new assets... until I forgot my update my sewing stuffs...
Ok.. ok.. this would be the last gadget ... (of the month)...

Presenting my new overlock or serging machine by Janome...
Why I love Janome so much..?
You'll have to try it out to feel the difference....
Why I bought this dinasor? Cos I have lots of sewing projects to be done that needs to sew the edging.. I have my old "no brand-made-in-china" serging machine .. but I have problems sewing overlock stitch at the edge which has curves.. And sometimes the stictches are not even or even missed a stitch and most of the time.. my fabric will get stuck easily.... Imagine the headache I went thru with my old overlock machine
(too bad I forgot to take a pic of the old dinasor.. sold it already)
Hah.. now with this new overlock machine... I heard it can work wonders.. But I need to explore the functions.. Will keep you updated on what I've made from this machine...
I have 12 "baju kurung" due this week... oh my!
I love gadgets and I love Janome anything. Good for you. Can't wait to see all those projects you're going to get done. Take care.
wah.. gadget terbest setakat ni.mg membantu untuk lbh mengumpul dana bl gadget baru.best best!
pakai empat benang yek mesin overlock ni. camno ek function die?
Ummu Hanis, mesin overlock ni bukan setakat jahit tepi biasa je. Malah dia boleh jahit kedut, patchwork, manik, jahitan hiasan. Memang ada tapak tambahan kalau nak buat extra feature ni..
Kalau kegunaan biasa.. kita boleh guna 4 benang, 3 benang ataupun 2 benang (jimat benang lagi). Boleh adjust saiz mata jahitan.. boleh guna kaler-kaler berbesa untuk hiaskan tepi kain atau baju...
Dan kalau kreatif... boleh jahit satu pasang baju tanpa guna mensin jahit lurus biasa tu...
Amacam? best tak??
I'm looking for serger , do you suggest this one >> is it easy to use ,,
Nana, I've tried several serging machine from the cheap-no-brand made in china, Singer, and finally I chose this Janome because it is very,very manageable for home users (by speed I mean).
Other brands, its quite fast for beginners, and you cannot control it unless you are used to it.
Well I can say this brand is good for beginners and home users, maybe not suitable for industrial tailoring, they prefer the high speed machine.
FYI, it can do tiny serging too..
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